Valentine and the Undead
ByPublisher Description
Valentine and the Undead is a 92, 000 word Science Fiction novel. Valentine and the crew of his Trading Spaceship undergo injections to put language nanobots into their systems. A good plan, an even better plan if it worked. Instead, planet based criminals sabotage the scheme and the nanobots turn the crew into the Undead, walking through the ship looking to invite people for lunch. And pirates turn up to join the party.
Valentine is an experienced guard, very experienced in walking the muddy streets of a medieval city, not so thrilled about being in space. But you play the cards your dealt and it is up to him to hold off the Undead, fight the pirates looking to take over the ship and generally save the day.
Not a problem for a hero. Since we don't have one, we must rely on Valentine. A man comfortable around violence, possessing poor social skills and the unerring ability to choose the wrong option. A man who wants to learn how to be a good copper, as long as it doesn't take too much effort.
He's a thug, but he's our thug.
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About Terry Hornby
Terry is married to Glenda, a beautiful lady of infinite patience. They have two sons who allow him to tell them stories over and over again. He lives on the Sunshine Coast of Queensland which explains his self-satisfied smile. He may be contacted at hornbywriting@gmail