Read Wuthering Heights by Emily Brontë: The Fable Reading Guide
May 10 2023

The Catastrophically Classical book club just started reading "Wuthering Heights," a beloved novel (and a free ebook on Fable!) set in England's craggy and wild moors. “I have always been a sci-fi or fantasy genre reader with the exception of two books: ‘Wuthering Heights’ and ‘The Great Gatsby,’” explained club founder Tori Ross. “These two classics I read in high school and were the first novels I read that not only made me cry but caused immense heartache. I remember being astonished that OLD books could do that.”In 2022, Tori wanted to read the classics again. “I started to look for book clubs in my area and came up wanting. Though people gathered to read in clubs near me, none focused on the classics. So, I created my own using Fable,” she explained. “I wanted to read stories that had stood the test of time. Stories that paved the way, inspiring authors to create the books we have now.”