Transform your reading life with the year of reading strategy
Jan 1 2021
Is there one book that you’ve always wanted to read, but couldn’t find the time for? Here is a reading strategy that could change your life.Hundreds of readers have used the “Year of Reading” method to tackle classic books with friends. Instead of trying to read without time limits, these readers spread a single book over an entire year.“We make the pace of reading so slow that it should not require sacrificing your time or making big changes to your schedule to be able to follow,” explains, Zhoq, the Reddit moderator who helps people read all year long.This year, Zhoq is leading the Year of Anna Karenina community and the Year of Don Quixote community—reading classic great novels with hundreds of other readers.“We split the task of reading a big classic that seems inaccessible to many into just a few minutes per day, achievable by everyone, regardless of your schedule. Having a book accompany you through the year makes it quite memorable, and the classics are classics for a reason; brilliant stories written by brilliant people,” says Zhoq.