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Reimagining the Future with Kim Scott

Kim Scott
A free book club on Fable is helping readers learn about the invisible economic system shaping every aspect of our lives while envisioning how we could change it.Led by bestselling “Radical Candor” author Kim Scott, the Thinking About Capitalism Book Club will “read books that help us make sense of capitalism and imagine something new.”It’s your chance to read with a life-changing author!
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How we broke capitalism

Club founder Kim Scott is the author of “Just Work” and “Radical Candor,” and co-founder of the company Radical Candor. She was a CEO coach at Dropbox, Qualtrics, Twitter, and other tech companies. She was a member of the faculty at Apple University and, before that, led AdSense, YouTube, and DoubleClick teams at Google. Her club launched with “The Man Who Broke Capitalism,” a book about everything that’s wrong with capitalism today, and offers advice on how we might right those wrongs. Written by New York Times reporter and “Corner Office” columnist David Gelles, the book chronicles how GE CEO Jack Welch’s obsession with downsizing—he eliminated 10% of employees every year—fundamentally altered GE and inspired generations of imitators who have employed his strategies at other companies around the globe.Kim Scott has already highlighted several quotes in the book, unpacking some of the stunning insights uncovered by the journalist.Quote 2“Creating inequality while destroying companies...why would this be celebrated?” she wrote after reading that quote. “This is what I call the measurement problem. When capitalism rewards what it can measure but destroys what is valuable, it becomes like a snake eating its own tail.”Quote 1“What would happen if we went back to 46%? It would fix a lot of problems,” wrote Kim Scott, pondering that massive shift in tax rates over our lifetimes. quote 3“Executive pay is out of control,” she concluded after reading that eye-popping statistic about how we pay CEOs in our current economy. As the club continues to read, Kim Scott will help book club members imagine a better way forward with alternatives to the cutthroat capitalism that currently rules our economy.
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