Suyi Davies Okungbowa is the author of Son of the Storm (Orbit, May 2021), first in The Nameless Republic epic fantasy trilogy, and the godpunk novel, David Mogo, Godhunter (Abaddon, 2019). His shorter works have appeared internationally in periodicals like, Lightspeed, Nightmare, Strange Horizons, Fireside, and anthologies like Black Panther: Tales of Wakanda and Year's Best Science Fiction and Fantasy. He earned his MFA at the University of Arizona. He tweets at @IAmSuyiDavies and is @suyidavies on Instagram.Suyi Davies Okungbowa Books
Lost Ark Dreaming
Suyi Davies OkungbowaWarrior of the Wind
Suyi Davies OkungbowaChoke
Suyi Davies OkungbowaMarvel Studios' Black Panther: Dreams of Wakanda
MarvelSon of the Storm
Suyi Davies OkungbowaBlack Panther: Tales of Wakanda
Jesse J. HollandNightmare Magazine, Issue 86 (November 2019)
John Joseph AdamsA World of Horror
Eric J. GuignardThe Dark Issue 21
Emily B. Cataneo