Jack Williamson (1908-2006) published his first short story in 1928 and produced entertaining, thought-provoking science fiction for the rest of his life. He is the author of Terraforming Earth, The Humanoids, and The Stonehenge Gate. The second person named Grand Master by the Science Fiction Writers of America--the first was Robert A. Heinlein--Williamson was always in the forefront of the field, being the first to write fiction about genetic engineering (he invented the term), anti-matter, and other cutting-edge science. A renaissance man, Williamson was a master of fantasy and horror as well as science fiction. His many accolades included the Hugo, Nebula, Heinlein, and John. W. Campbell Memorial Awards, as well as Bram Stoker and World Fantasy Awards for lifetime achievement.Jack Williamson Books
Maybe You're The Problem
Jack WilliamsonRobots through the Ages
Robert SilverbergThe Doom from Planet 4
Jack WilliamsonThe Doom from Planet 4
Jack WilliamsonThe Doom from Planet 4
Jack WilliamsonThe Ultimate Earth
Jack WilliamsonGalaxy's Edge Magazine: Issue 3, July 2013
Eric FlintThe Science Fiction Hall of Fame Volume Two-A (The Great Novellas)
Robert A. HeinleinOne and Wonder
Theodore SturgeonThe Lake of Light
Jack WilliamsonThe Lake of Light
Jack WilliamsonFantastic Stories Presents: Science Fiction Super Pack #1
Philip K. DickThe Sea-Story Megapack
Jack WilliamsonThe Stonehenge Gate
Jack WilliamsonSense of Wonder
Leigh GrossmanTerraforming Earth
Jack Williamson