Diane Lockward is the editor of three poetry craft books, most recently The Practicing Poet: Writing Beyond the Basics (Terrapin Books, 2018). She is also the author of four poetry books, most recently The Uneaten Carrots of Atonement (Wind Publications, 2016). Her awards include the Quentin R. Howard Poetry Prize, a poetry fellowship from the New Jersey State Council on the Arts, and a Woman of Achievement Award. Her poems have been included in such journals as Harvard Review, Southern Poetry Review, and Prairie Schooner. Her work has also been featured on Poetry Daily, Verse Daily, The Writer's Almanac, and Ted Kooser's American Life in Poetry. She is the founder, editor, and publisher of Terrapin Books.Diane Lockward Books
These Few Seeds
Meghan SterlingThe Curator's Notes
Robin Rosen ChangA Cartography of Home
Hayden SaunierThe Strategic Poet
Diane LockwardKissing the Long Face of the Greyhound
Yvonne ZipterSelf-Portrait with a Million Dollars
Patricia ClarkThe Honey of Earth
David GrahamA Constellation of Kisses
Diane LockwardThe Davids Inside David
Sarah WetzelThe Bones of Winter Birds
Ann Fisher-WirthStrange What Rises
Gary J. WhiteheadThe Practicing Poet
Diane LockwardThe Infinite Doctrine of Water
Michael T. YoungAileron
Geraldine ConnollyNo Such Thing as Distance
Karen Paul HolmesLeaves Surface Like Skin
Michelle Menting