Bruce McAllister, born in 1946 to a Navy officer father and an anthropologist mother, is a writer of fantasy and science fiction known primarily for his short fiction. Over the years his short stories have appeared in the major fantasy and science fiction magazines, theme anthologies, college readers and "year's best" anthologies, including Best American Short Stories 2007, guest-edited by Stephen King. His first novel was the far-future Humanity Prime, published by Ace Books in Terry Carr's "Ace Specials" series. His second, Dream Baby (Tor, 1988), was based on the Hugo-, Nebula- and Locus-finalist novelette of the same name and has been called a "genre classic." His most recent, 2013's The Village Sang to the Sea: A Memoir of Magic, has been compared to Ray Bradbury's Something Wicked This Way Comes. His short stories have been finalists for the Hugo, Nebula, Locus, and Shirley Jackson awards. He lives in Orange, California, with his wife, choreographer Amelie Hunter.Bruce McAllister Books
Vanishing Acts
Ellen DatlowFearful Symmetries
Ellen DatlowThe Dark Issue 23
Erica MosleyLa Signora
Bruce McAllisterHumanity Prime
Bruce McAllisterThe Courtship of the Queen
Bruce McAllister