Ann Howells edited Illya's Honey for seventeen years, first in print and then four years online. Named a "Distinguished Poet of Dallas" by the city in 2001, she has received seven Pushcart nominations and taken first place in several local/state competitions. She served as President of Dallas Poets Community (501-c-3) for four years and as Treasurer for many more. She also serves on advisory boards and panels, judges poetry competitions, participates in taking poetry into schools -- elementary through college -- and presents her work at festivals and conferences. Over 600 of her poems have appeared in small press and university publications including Spillway, THEMA, and Little Patuxent Review in this country, Magma (England) and Crannog (Ireland) abroad.Ann Howells Books
Painting The Pinwheel Sky
Ann HowellsTrip of a Lifetime: An Anthology
Carol AlexanderThe Storm is Coming: An Anthology
Carol Alexander