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Reading between the wines📖🍷

Last updated 28d ago

Moderated by
Alasia Aaron

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You guys don’t have to read what I read, I just wanted to create a space where us girlies can bond

Club picks

How book clubs work on Fable


Spoiler-free chat rooms

Dedicated chapter and episode rooms keep discussions organized and spoiler-free

Spark meaningful discussions

Chat features designed to bring books and shows to life for you and your club
Poll feature for clubs

Tools to stay organized

Features like polls and milestones help keep clubs engaged and updated

Spoiler-free chat rooms

Dedicated chapter and episode rooms keep discussions organized and spoiler-free

Spark meaningful discussions

Chat features designed to bring books and shows to life for you and your club
Poll feature for clubs

Tools to stay organized

Features like polls and milestones help keep clubs engaged and updated

Frequently Asked Questions

Is this club free to join?

How do I join a club on Fable?

Can I create my own club on Fable?

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