Leading with Humor, Seriously
Coached by Jennifer Aaker & Naomi Bagdonas
Best-selling authors and humor enthusiastsClub Overview
If you're looking to learn more about utilizing humor to build a better business and craft your personal humor style, join Jennifer and Naomi’s career coaching club to turn humor into one seriously helpful tool.
$150 (includes 3 books)
FYI: Registration ends Jan 25, 2023!
Membership in this club can be reimbursed through your company as a continuing education program! Simply upload the receipt through your company’s expense management system, or download a sample reimbursement form here.Time Commitment
Flexible 15 mins/day over the 3 month period
Club runs from Jan 15, 2023 - Apr 15, 2023
Club runs from Jan 15, 2023 - Apr 15, 2023
What's Included
3 ebooks built for interactive reading on Fable, guided by the club coach.Share highlights, comments, and resources, and even start discussions right inside the book.
Club Member only access
Innovative curriculum and exclusive events
Engaging discussions with Jennifer and other club members
Certificate of completion and LinkedIn Badge