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Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone

By J.K. Rowling
Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone by J.K. Rowling digital book - Fable

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Publisher Description

Harry Potter has never played a sport while flying on a broomstick. He's never worn a cloak of invisibility, befriended a giant, or helped hatch a dragon. All Harry knows is a miserable life with the Dursleys, his horrible aunt and uncle, and their abominable son, Dudley. Harry's room is a tiny closet at the foot of the stairs, and he hasn't had a birthday party in eleven years.

But all that is about change when a mysterious letter arrives by owl messenger: a letter with an invitation to a wonderful place he never dreamed existed. There he finds not only friends, aerial sports, and magic around every corner, but a great destiny that's been waiting for him...if Harry can survive the encounter.

183639 Reviews

Smiling Face with Heart-Eyes“With only half paying attention to the first movie and never reading or seeing anything harry potter in my whole 23 years i decided it was time to give it a go. I could not be more happy with this decision.”
“The Harry Potter world is amazing! I have grown up watching the movies, but this is my first time reading the books! They stay pretty similar to each other. I highly recommend this book to anyone looking for a magical and fun read!”

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