Book Tabbing on Fable
May 4 2023

If reading digitally was something you’d avoided primarily because you couldn’t “really” annotate a digital book, you must check out Fable’s newest reader features. All the traditional elements of annotating - tabbing, highlighting, underlining, and writing down your thoughts - can be found on Fable. With Fable's highlight feature, you can mark key moments, just like in a physical book, but way more organized. You can choose from 10 beautiful colors and labels that take your reading experience to the next level. Best of all, you can see all your tabs in one collected, sortable view.

How do you tab pages in your digital book?
The tabbing feature on Fable’s ebooks looks identical to “real-life” tabs. With a wide variety of colors (which you can customize to your liking and build your own annotating system), this feature has quickly become one of my absolute favorite things ever. To add a tab, select the text you wish to annotate and click “tab.” It will automatically put a blue tab next to the text you selected. To change the color, click the tab and choose which color you wish to use! When you click the tab, you will be able to change it to whatever color you need, and you’ll also be able to see the selected text highlighted in a matching color to the tab.Like how we flip through a physical book's pages to see all our tabs, Fable offers a digital version. If you go into the book’s settings and click the “tab” section, you’ll find all your tabs in one place. This makes it easy to find specific quotes or tab colors.
How to highlight your book on Fable
Just found a quote you don’t necessarily want to tab but still want to find quickly? You can highlight it! Select the text you wish to highlight, click “highlight,” and there you go. To change the color, click on the highlighted text to choose one of four colors.
Notes & underlining in your ebook
Of course, you can easily add notes to your ebook on Fable. What I like so much about it is that once you add a note, it will underline the section you selected. This not only makes it easier to find passages where you added a note, but it also adds to that annotating experience. When I annotate physical books, I do a variety of annotations; I highlight, I underline, and I use tabs. To have all these physical aspects of annotating transformed into a digital alternative makes Fable one of the most annotation-accurate platforms I have used thus far.
Annotate with your book club!
Your tabs are creative, artistic, and unique, just like you. Show them off individually or with fully tabbed book summaries.I’ll be completely honest - I’ve always been more of a physical book reader. Not just because you have the experience of going inside a bookstore, the smell of the books, or the feeling of the book in your hands, but because I annotate. Annotating a physical book has always been more alluring to me. You can see the tabs, the highlights, the notes - it’s a very aesthetically pleasing result. However, now the two are combined - the convenience of reading multiple books from one device, with the attributes of physical annotating. Now I can still have “sticky tabs” in my digital copy, along with my highlights and little notes, yet I don’t have to deal with the hassle of carrying all those supplies when traveling! Whether it be your club or another moderator’s club you decided to join, you can all annotate the ebook together! When you open the reader, select the first option (the second option says “just me,” which is for when you wish to read the ebook yourself). When reading in social mode, you can add reactions to passages. Select the text you want to react to, click “react,” and choose the most accurate emoji! If you don’t want your tabs to cover the emojis, check the “Show personal tabs” box to keep your tabs hidden and still be able to see the other members’ reactions! You can also discuss passages with the other club members directly with the reader. Select the text you wish to discuss, click “discuss,” and start typing. When you’re done, you’ll see that the selected text will be underlined in the reader. So, when another member reads in social mode and lands on this page, they can click the underlined text and see what you have to say. Not only that but the section you discussed will also be shared in the matching chapter chatroom, allowing members who are reading physical copies to participate in the discussion.
What does it mean to annotate your book?
If you visit the #AnnotateWithMe hashtag on TikTok, you’ll find thousands of videos illustrating how people annotate their books in different formats. Whether you are reading the book with thousands of friends or a single person, Fable makes it easy to annotate any text with notes, highlights, photographs, music, videos, or other special links. Once you download the Fable app, follow these simple steps to annotate a book for a friend or loved one…- Create a Fable book club and add your favorite book.
- Highlight your favorite sections
- Press the “Add Comment” button to share your thoughts about the passage
- Make it personal by posting photographs and links to songs, videos, and other content
- Invite your friend or loved one to join your club