S.B. Divya is a lover of science, math, fiction, and the Oxford comma. She enjoys subverting expectations and breaking stereotypes whenever she can. Divya is the Hugo and Nebula Award–nominated author of Runtime and coeditor of Escape Pod, with Mur Lafferty. Her short stories have been published at various magazines including Analog, Uncanny, and Tor. She is the author of the short collection, Contingency Plans for the Apocalypse and Other Situations, and debut novel, Machinehood. Divya holds degrees in computational neuroscience and signal processing, and she worked for twenty years as an electrical engineer before becoming an author. Find out more about her at or on Twitter as @DivyasTweets.S.B. Divya Books
Clarkesworld Magazine Issue 213
Neil ClarkeSeasons Between Us: Tales of Identities and Memories
alan dean fosterEscape Pod: The Science Fiction Anthology
S.B. DivyaContingency Plans for the Apocalypse and Other Possible Situations
S.B. DivyaWhere the Stars Rise: Asian Science Fiction and Fantasy
Fonda LeeFantastic Stories of the Imagination People of Color Flash Anthology
Julia Rios