Sarah Pekkanen is the bestselling author of The Ever After, The Opposite of Me, Skipping a Beat, These Girls, The Best of Us, Catching Air, Things You Won’t Say, and The Perfect Neighbors. Her work has been published in People, The Washington Post, and USA TODAY, among other publications. She lives with her family in Chevy Chase, Maryland.Sarah Pekkanen Books
House of Glass
Sarah PekkanenGone Tonight
Sarah PekkanenThe Golden Couple
Greer HendricksYou Are Not Alone
Greer HendricksAn Anonymous Girl \ Una chica anónima (Spanish edition)
Greer HendricksAn Anonymous Girl
Greer HendricksThe Ever After
Sarah Pekkanenesposa entre nosotros
Greer HendricksThe Wife Between Us
Greer HendricksThe Perfect Neighbors
Sarah PekkanenThings You Won't Say
Sarah PekkanenCatching Air
Sarah PekkanenThe Best of Us
Sarah PekkanenSarah Pekkanen Collection #1
Sarah PekkanenBeginning Again
Sarah PekkanenThese Girls
Sarah PekkanenSkipping a Beat
Sarah PekkanenThe Opposite of Me
Sarah Pekkanen