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Sarah E. Chinn



Sarah E. Chinn is Professor of English at Hunter College, CUNY. She is the author of three books: Technology and the Logic of American Racism: A Cultural History of the Body as Evidence (2000); Inventing Modern Adolescence: Th e Children of Immigrants in Turn-of-the-Century America (2007); and Spectacular Men: Race, Gender, and Nation on the Early American Stage (2017), which won the 2017 George Freedley Prize for Outstanding Work of Theatre History; as well as a scholarly edition, Nine Plays of Early America (Early American Reprints, 2018). Her work has appeared in such journals as American Literature, Signs, GLQ, WSQ, and Nineteenth-Century Literature. She is currently working on a manuscript that explores representations of amputation during Reconstruction, especially as deployed by white antiracist radicals.

Sarah E. Chinn Books

Reimagining the Republic book cover

Reimagining the Republic

Sandra M. Gustafson
The Children's Table book cover

The Children's Table

Annette Ruth Appell
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