Sarah E. Chinn is Professor of English at Hunter College, CUNY. She is the author of three books: Technology and the Logic of American Racism: A Cultural History of the Body as Evidence (2000); Inventing Modern Adolescence: Th e Children of Immigrants in Turn-of-the-Century America (2007); and Spectacular Men: Race, Gender, and Nation on the Early American Stage (2017), which won the 2017 George Freedley Prize for Outstanding Work of Theatre History; as well as a scholarly edition, Nine Plays of Early America (Early American Reprints, 2018). Her work has appeared in such journals as American Literature, Signs, GLQ, WSQ, and Nineteenth-Century Literature. She is currently working on a manuscript that explores representations of amputation during Reconstruction, especially as deployed by white antiracist radicals.Sarah E. Chinn Books
Reimagining the Republic
Sandra M. GustafsonThe Children's Table
Annette Ruth Appell