Michael Ondaatje is the author of five previous novels, a memoir, a nonfiction book on film, and several books of poetry. The English Patient won the Booker Prize; Anil’s Ghost won the Irish Times International Fiction Prize, the Giller Prize, and the Prix Médicis. Born in Sri Lanka, Michael Ondaatje now lives in Toronto.
www.michaelondaatje.comMichael Ondaatje Books
A Year of Last Things
Michael OndaatjeLakdhas Wikkramasinha
Lakdhas WikkramasinhaThe Gifts of Reading
Robert MacfarlaneThe Cat's Table
Michael OndaatjeHandwriting
Michael OndaatjeThe Cinnamon Peeler
Michael OndaatjeParis Stories
Mavis GallantThe Collected Works of Billy the Kid
Michael OndaatjeIn the Skin of a Lion
Michael OndaatjeThe English Patient
Michael OndaatjeLost Classics
Michael OndaatjeComing Through Slaughter
Michael OndaatjeRunning in the Family
Michael OndaatjeVintage Ondaatje
Michael OndaatjeDivisadero
Michael OndaatjeAnil's Ghost
Michael Ondaatje