James Patterson is the world’s bestselling author. The creator of Alex Cross, he has produced more enduring fictional heroes than any other novelist alive. He lives in Florida with his family.
Brendan DuBois is the award-winning author of twenty-two novels and more than one hundred seventy short stories, garnering him three Shamus Awards from the Private Eye Writers of America. He is also a Jeopardy! game show champion.
James Patterson Books
Middle School: Too Uncool for School
James PattersonThe Texas Murders
James PattersonHolmes Is Missing
James PattersonThe House of Cross
James PattersonRaised by Wolves
James PattersonAmerican Heroes
James PattersonMurder Island
James PattersonLies He Told Me
James PattersonThe Time Travel Twins
James PattersonHard to Kill
James PattersonTiger, Tiger
James PattersonConfessions of the Dead
James PattersonMK's Detective Club: The Poison Puzzle
James PattersonThe 24th Hour
James PattersonThe Murder Inn
James PattersonThe Secret Lives of Booksellers and Librarians
James PattersonThe #1 Lawyer
James PattersonCrosshairs
James PattersonMissing Persons
James Patterson