Eric James Stone is a past Nebula Award winner and Hugo Award Nominee. Over fifty of his short stories have appeared in venues such as Year's Best SF, Analog Science Fiction and Fact, and even the scientific journal Nature. His debut novel, the science fiction thriller Unforgettable, published by Baen Books, has been optioned by Hollywood multiple times. One of Eric's earliest memories is of seeing an Apollo moon-shot launch on television, and his father's collection of old science fiction ensured that he grew up on a full diet of Asimov, Heinlein and Clarke. As the son of an immigrant from Argentina, he grew up bilingual and spent most of his childhood in Latin America. He also lived for five years in England and became trilingual while serving a two-year mission for his church in Italy. He received a political science degree at Brigham Young University, graduated from Baylor Law School, worked on a congressional campaign, and took a job in Washington, DC, then quit the political scene in 1999 to work as a web developer in Utah. In 2003 he attended Orson Scott Card's Literary Boot Camp, and his first publication came the following year in the Writers of the Future anthology, which he credits with jump-starting his writing career. He also attended the Odyssey Writing Workshop. Eric spent five years as an assistant editor for the online magazine Orson Scott Card's InterGalactic Medicine Show. Eric lives in Utah, where he works a day job as a systems administrator and web programmer. He is married to award-winning author Darci Stone.Eric James Stone Books
The Horror at Pooh Corner
Joe MonsonTrace the Stars
Joe MonsonParliament of Wizards
Michael R. CollingsThe Humans in the Walls
Eric James StoneRejiggering the Thingamajig and Other Stories
Eric James StoneWhere There Are Dragons
Dr. Benjamin AnthonyEnder's World
Orson Scott Card