The background setting of The Stranger relates to Eleanor's passionate love of Nature where she resides in a small, rural Manitoba town bordered by spacious woods. She acquired a love for reading long before she could read, and writing became second nature at an early age. The lovely poise of characters portrays a fluent thread of life's realism, poetically nurtured to Eleanor's deep intensity of highest excellence in mastering the art of articulative creative scenes signature to her unique style of writing. Loving animals has added a sweet portrait to the story, as well as publishing her first non-fiction book, A Patience Beloved. She's also published several short stories and poems in American Poetry Anthologies and local papers. The Stranger has been a personal triumph, where the power of love, faith, and family brings the scenes to life in unusual ways within the trust in knowing
God's love is always present.ELEANOR LEE GUSTAW Books
A Rookie's Daughter
Eleanor Lee GustawThe Stranger
Eleanor Lee GustawA Lost Love
Eleanor Lee GustawA Chord of Melody
Eleanor Lee GustawThe Stranger
Eleanor Lee GustawThe Sundog Snow Adventure
Eleanor Lee Gustaw