Damien Angelica Walters is the author of Cry Your Way Home, Paper Tigers, and Sing Me Your Scars, winner of This is Horror's Short Story Collection of the Year. Her short fiction has been nominated twice for a Bram Stoker Award, reprinted in The Year's Best Dark Fantasy & Horror and The Year's Best Weird Fiction, and published in various anthologies and magazines, including the Shirley Jackson Award Finalists Autumn Cthulhu and The Madness of Dr. Caligari, World Fantasy Award Finalist Cassilda's Song, Nightmare Magazine, Black Static, and Apex Magazine. Until the magazine's closing in 2013, she was an Associate Editor of the Hugo Award-winning Electric Velocipede. She lives in Maryland with her husband and two rescued pit bulls.Damien Angelica Walters Books
Best New Horror #30
Stephen JonesNew Maps of Dream
Cody GoodfellowCry Your Way Home
Damien Angelica WaltersSuspended in Dusk II
Angela SlatterThe Dead Girls Club
Damien Angelica WaltersSupernatural Horror Short Stories
Roger LuckhurstLost Souls Short Stories
Roger LuckhurstLost Highways: Dark Fictions From the Road
Josh MalermanTales From The Lake: Volume 4
Kealan Patrick BurkeThe Dark Issue 24
A.M. MuffazB is for Broken
Brittany Warman