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Andrew Young



Andrew Young is a living legend. He was an activist for the civil rights movement alongside Martin Luther King Jr, as the executive director of the Southern Christian Leadership Conference. He became a member of Congress, two-term mayor of Atlanta and U.S. ambassador to the United Nations.

Andrew Young Books

Turkey Trouble on Thanksgiving Day book cover

Turkey Trouble on Thanksgiving Day

Andrew Young
Drama at the Thanksgiving Parade book cover

Drama at the Thanksgiving Parade

Andrew Young
25th Anniversary Edition - An Easy Burden book cover

25th Anniversary Edition - An Easy Burden

Andrew Young
Hosea Williams book cover

Hosea Williams

Rolundus R. Rice
Carry On book cover

Carry On

John Lewis
It's in the Action book cover

It's in the Action

C. T. Vivian
Up from Nothing book cover

Up from Nothing

John Hope Bryant
Martin Luther King Jr. book cover

Martin Luther King Jr.

Angela Farris Watkins
Fandango at the Wall book cover

Fandango at the Wall

Kabir Sehgal
How the Poor Can Save Capitalism book cover

How the Poor Can Save Capitalism

John Hope Bryant
Breaking Ground book cover

Breaking Ground

Louis W. Sullivan
If Your Back's Not Bent book cover

If Your Back's Not Bent

Dorothy F. Cotton
Preach!: The Power and Purpose Behind Our Praise book cover

Preach!: The Power and Purpose Behind Our Praise

Otis Moss
The Politician book cover

The Politician

Andrew Young
Leading High Performers book cover

Leading High Performers

Eric Snow
A Call to Conscience book cover

A Call to Conscience

Clayborne Carson
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